We farm a lot of land and we are dedicated to looking after every single acre. Integrated crop management techniques, soil health and crop nutrition are at the heart of this commitment.
We keep our soils covered up through the year using cover crops. This natural crop management practice reduces soil erosion, encourages biodiversity, retains nutrients, enhances soil structure, and helps to capture carbon in the soil (carbon sequestration).
Our anaerobic digestion plant not only provides us with energy and heat, but also provides us with a large proportion of our fertiliser requirement. The ‘digestate’ that comes out of the AD plant is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, together with lots of micro nutrients. It’s also organic. Using digestate produced from waste sweetcorn husks, allows us to grow more sweetcorn using less conventional fertiliser.
“The quality of the soil and the biodiversity balance mean everything when producing healthy crops. To farm successfully, you need to be a custodian of nature.”
Peter Barfoot, CBE (Services to Sustainable Farming)
Our waste does not go to waste. In fact, our waste such as husks and chopped ends powers our farms and offices. We turn every last bit of it into green energy using our anaerobic digesters. As a result, we’ve been producing nearly double the amount of electricity than we use since 2010, exporting the excess to the grid.
We contribute to a number of schemes to relieve food poverty and reduce food waste. Our partner charities, which include FareShare and UKHarvest, collect surplus good-quality food, including ‘wonky veg’, and distribute it to those in need. Through FareShare alone, as of September ’24 we have donated over 650 tonnes of vegetables that would otherwise have gone to waste. This is equal to more than 1.5m nutrient-rich meals.
“If we can provide those who are less fortunate than most with the opportunity to eat our vegetables, then donating our surplus produce is simply the right thing to do.” Keston Williams, Chief Operations Officer
We need a lot of energy to power our business and we produce it all ourselves. Everything we do is fuelled by green energy. We are self-sufficient, thanks to our investment in sustainable waste management. Anaerobic digestion is at the heart of this commitment. In fact, we produce much more energy than we need for our factories and fields. We are a net exporter, selling our surplus back to National Grid. Watch our film on how our anaerobic digestors work.
As our business has grown, so has our dedication to sustainable energy. We continue to explore ways to reduce our carbon footprint, investing in technology such as photovoltaic cells, LED lighting, and artificial fertiliser replacement.
In 2024 our epic state-of-the-art solar installation went live, ensuring our ongoing energy independence as our business grows. The 5,454 solar panel system across two of our operations sites will generate approximately 2,240 MWh of energy annually, saving 399 tonnes of CO2 emissions…equivalent to planting 20,563 trees every year!
Water is a precious commodity that we have a duty to protect and use responsibly. It gives life to the crops that sustain our business and to the people and communities that are part of what we do.
To this end, we are committed to sustainable water use and ensuring high standards of water management in the areas where we farm.
Our new water treatment facility cleans and converts all our factory waste water into irrigation water for our crops. Currently it can treat 300 cubic meters a day, enough to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool in a week.
The water treatment plant adds further to Barfoots’ sustainability credentials, demonstrating how we continue to lead the way.
Along with a number of high-profile partners, including Marks & Spencer, Coop, DanPer and SGS, we are involved in the development of a water stewardship standard for the Peruvian asparagus industry.
The aim of the initiative is to address shared water challenges and bring issues to the attention of national-level stakeholders, with the purpose of creating benefits for local communities, growers and retailers.